Bad Credit Loans help clients in Brisbane that are struggling to find a loan. We have an experienced team that thoroughly understands bad credit and work to find the right funding for clients.
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Our experienced team is used to working with clients that have been rejected by traditional lenders. If you have a bad credit history and are struggling to find a loan, contact our Bad Credit Loans Brisbane team and get your peace of mind today!
Lachlan has lived in Brisbane most of his life. For years he has been ignoring his credit card debts, never paying his bills on time, and never trying to pay it down. Currently, he is looking to buy a new car and needs to borrow about $15,000.
After approaching five traditional lenders he was rejected by all of them on the basis of his credit file. He was feeling defeated and felt like his options were dwindling. Fortunately for Lachlan, we understand these situations and can work through them.
Lachlan filled out a quick online application with Bad Credit Loans and within 72 hours he had the money transferred into his account. Two weeks later Lachlan was enjoying that new car smell in his new ride.
We have an experienced bad credit loans team. If you have a few late payments or an unmanageable credit card balance, let’s do something about it!
Bad Credit Loans help people who have:
We help clients that have defaults and missed payments on their record which have led to a bad credit score. Get the financing you need and reclaim control of your bad credit situation.
To get started today, complete our quick online application form and one of our experts could be in touch with a solution